ISO 20000 27000 Information Technology Service Management

What exactly is ISO 20000 and how can it benefit your organization? Learn more about how ISO 20000 can be a advantage to your business
You are looking for an easy answer to the following question: "What IS ISO 20000?"
It's not just you. This overview will help you understand why ISO 20000 is beneficial for your company. The ISO 20000 requirements will be explained, as well as the specific steps needed to get certification.

The fundamentals of ISO 20000: A quick introduction
ISO 20000, the global standard for IT Service Management (ITSM) was published by ISO (the International Organization for Standardization), ICE (the International Electoral Commission). ISO 20000 has to be accepted worldwide by at least half of the countries that are members before it becomes an international standard. Check this Information technology - Service management link.

The standard describes the management practices designed to assist you in providing more efficient IT services (both to the people within your business and to your customers). ISO 20000 gives you the process and the framework that will help you manage your ITSM while also allowing you to show that your organization is following best practice. It will allow you to attain the highest standards of practice. This makes it easier for you to offer better IT services. ISO 20000 is applicable for any size business and any sector.

What is it that makes ISO 20000 different than ITIL?
The difference between ISO 20000, and ITIL is that ISO 20000 will give you the framework and methodological guidelines to assist you in building your ITSM jigsaw. ITIL will provide you the most effective methods (how to manage each IT function within your company). how to connect the pieces.

You can think of ISO 20000 as a description of what you'll need and ITIL provides a framework for how you can achieve it.

ISO 20000 can't be used alone. It can be implemented in isolation from ITIL. However they do very together.
ITIL, which isn't a standard, is a framework for best practices that aligns your IT services to your company's greater requirements. ITIL certification is not a possibility for companies. It is only possible to adhere to the guidelines for best practices.
ISO 20000 is based upon the ITIL fundamental principles and can be certified against by your business.
People who want to be the best in ITSM or internationally recognized certifications are certified in accordance with ITIL or ISO 20000 (e.g. More details are available in the foundation course.
ISO 20000 certification for organizations is essentially the evidence that the best practices have been followed. It is not required to be certified in ISO 20000. However, it is much simpler to do so when your ITIL method is utilized for IT service management. For more information, read our whitepaper, ITIL and ISO 20000. See this Information technology - Security techniques for more.

It's crucial to know the reasons behind ISO 20000 matters.
It is important to understand the link between IT and organizational success in order to appreciate the importance ISO 20000. You depend on IT to help you reach your goals as an organization. IT is an essential element in how you conduct business.

IT can be used to defeat your competitors in order to reach a wider audience, and to increase productivity and effectiveness. In myriad ways, IT is essential for increasing revenues while reducing costs as well as enhancing your image.

So it is vital to get the most out of your investment in IT. It implies that IT services should have a well-planned, designed and managed. Without high-quality IT service management, IT projects frequently fail or are over budget. It's not easy to manage ongoing costs and businesses end up losing money before they realize any ROI from their investment.

High-quality IT service management standards will be essential to your business's success. This quality can be achieved by receiving the ISO 20000 Standard.

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